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4 Foods To Eat And Avoid For Your Thyroid Symptoms

By May 21, 2021Thyroid

 Food can make a huge difference in h0w you feel with hypothyroidism and Hashimotos. Foods will either help you get symptom relief or suffer with more of them.

Let’s take a look at 4 foods to avoid and 4 to start eating to help with your symptoms.

4 Foods To Avoid

  1. Gluten: it contributes to leaky gut (your gut leaking things into your blood stream causing lots of inflammation which gives you more symptoms. Most people that have developed hypothyroidism have it and it also causes you NOT to absorb things.) Gluten also causes your body to attack your thyroid causing permanent damage. If you have any thyroid issue, you have a gluten issue. Many people see a lot of symptom relief just giving up gluten alone. 
  2. Dairy is just as inflammatory as gluten and contributes to gut issues too. Many react to dairy as badly as gluten.
  3. Refined sugar is highly inflammatory and bad for the gut along with a ton of other issues. Stick with natural sugars like coconut sugar or honey.
  4. Soy also has a negative impact on your thyroid function, and not just soy sauce either. Soy is a hidden ingredient in a lot of processed foods. Read your labels and avoid foods that contain it. Your thyroid will thank you.

4 Foods to Include

  1. Probiotic rich foods like kombucha or saourcrout are very beneficial for the gut which helps with thyroid symptoms since they introduce beneficial bacteria. 
  2. Veggies are so important for healing and they provide fuel. Eat a LOT of them and your energy will improve as well as you seeing some gut healing happening.
  3. Healthy fats are important for healing your gut and for balanced hormones. Your body needs fat to make your hormones. Remove inflammatory fats like canola oil and switch to oils like coconut, avocado ๐Ÿฅ‘ or extra virgin olive oil. These can keep you feeling full longer too and give you more energy.
  4. Bone broth helps to heal the gut and is like liquid gold. Its great to healing not only your gut but your joints too. Double whammy! I drink it as much as possible and I make my own but you can also buy it.

To see some of my favorite food swaps that have helped me to reverse my symptoms click HERE.

Until Next Thyroid Thursday,


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