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5 Reasons Your Supplements Aren’t Helping Your Hypothyroidism or Hashimotos Symptoms

By June 23, 2022Thyroid

Ever wasted your money on supplements for your hypothyroidism or Hashimotos?

There is a lot of information out there about supplements for these thyroid issues and I am betting you have tried some of them that were suggested only to be disappointed because they didn’t help you to feel better?
Maybe the even left you screaming WHY????
Now, that may make you think that supplements are a waste of time and money BUT that’s not exactly true.
Hear me out…

The issue isn’t that the supplements don’t work, its usually 5 things:

1. While certain supplements are general and good for most everyone (like probiotics and digestive enzymes, etc…) others like vitamins and minerals are more individualized.
You should always test NOT guess so that you know which vitamins and minerals you’re actually deficient in and supplement THOSE. Blood tests will tell you exactly what your levels are so you will know for certain.
By supplementing what you need, you directly target the deficiencies giving you symptoms. This is much more effective.
Multi vitamins won’t help either. They have things you may not need in them and not enough of the things you need to make a difference. It is much more time and cost effective to only take what you need. And that is how you see results with taking them. 
You can even order your own blood tests if your doctor won’t do them. Learn more about that HERE.
2. You are not taking high quality supplements
Quality matters. You always want to take supplements that are clean meaning no gluten, soy or dairy. No other sketchy ingredients either. And you want the most absorbable forms that your body can actually use. Many low quality supplements are never even absorbed by your body leaving your wallet empty for nothing.
Oh, I have been there friend. Don’t beat yourself up about it.
See some of the most common high quality supplements I recommend to my clients HERE as an example. Those listed have been used by hundreds of my clients who all got great results so they are proven to work. A lot of them come from Amazon!
3. You’re not consistently taking your supplements. 
Taking your supplements only sometimes will not allow them to do what they need to do. It is important that you take them consistently so that you can actually make a difference in how you feel. Your body needs the consistency! It craves it actually.
Have a hard time remembering to take your supplements? 
Set a reminder on your phone! You can even set it to remind you each day.
Get a pill organizer like this one HERE where you can lay out what you need to take each day including morning, noon and night.
​​​​​​​If you’re old school like me you could use these cute reusable post its HERE and write yourself a reminder that you stick where you will see it each day too!
​​​​​​​4. You have not healed your gut so that you can actually absorb the supplements you’re taking. Most of us with hypothyroidism and Hashimotos have leaky gut and that means we have absorption issues.
​​​​​​​You must start with your diet to heal your gut and supplements can help too. An anti inflammatory diet will help big time with that. Dealing with stress is also important for your gut health too so be mindful of that.
Want help with how to heal your gut or anything I have talked about so far?
5. Last but not least, give your supplements time to work. It takes time for your body to heal so I always say to supplement at least 3-6 months OF BEING CONSISTENT to get results. I know that is hard, but that is just reality. Your body isn’t Amazon Prime, you cant 2 day a new healed body!
So be consitent AND patient and you WILL see results! 
Helping You Go From Fat, Frustrated & Fatigued to Fabulous Again,


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