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Happy light therapy for thyroid symptoms!

By February 11, 2022Thyroid


Struggling more in the winter with your thyroid symptoms?

It’s common to have more hypothyroidism and Hashimotos symptoms in the fall and winter months due to lower temperatures and less sunlight. Many of us find ourselves struggling more with energy and mood this time of year.
While I cant make the temps warmer, I CAN help you with the sunlight issue with something called a happy light and light therapy which can improve your energy levels and mood. It is so stupid simple to use too!
Sunlight is an essential ingredient for a healthy lifestyle, but many of us don’t get nearly the amount of bright light we need to experience its benefits, especially not in the winter. A HappyLight brings daylight indoors by emitting a bright white, full spectrum light that safely mimics sunlight (and without the UV-rays).


There are many important reasons to use a Happy Light, and these are three of the most common reasons:
Light deprivation – Many people experience a change in mood or energy levels when they find themselves deprived of natural daylight. This can be due to the change in seasons or when they find themselves deprived of natural daylight due to night shift work, airplane travel, or a lifestyle that includes a lot of time indoors (like so many of us these days).
Circadian rhythm disruption – Our bodies strive to maintain regular sleep patterns through the timed release of hormones regulated by our internal clock, otherwise known as circadian rhythms. This internal cycle takes cues from external light sources (specifically, dawn and dusk) to signal the body that it’s time to wake up or go to sleep. You need good sleep to reverse your thyroid symptoms so this is crucial!
Ordinary indoor lighting, late-night studying and the glow of computer screens and televisions can disrupt these natural cues and make it difficult to get a healthy night’s sleep. Studies show that light therapy can help the body recalibrate and normalize circadian rhythms and help you get a great night’s sleep.
Winter Blues – The “Winter Blues” is a reaction to the reduced amount of natural daylight available during the winter months. People who suffer from it experience normal health for most of the year but battle fatigue and low energy symptoms when daylight diminishes. Symptoms of the “Winter Blues” include sluggishness, sleep problems, change in diet, and even loss of mental acuity. (This is me. I’ve ALWAYS struggled more in the winter but even more so with hypo and Hashis!)


Scientific studies have shown the effects of light on the body are more than just psychological. Sunlight prompts our physical systems to produce the hormones directly responsible for improving mood and creating a sense of well-being.
A Happy Light provides supplemental full spectrum light that prompts your body’s natural energy enhancers to help you relax, focus and feel revitalized.
It improves mood and energy by triggering the release of serotonin and improves sleep and focus by resetting your circadian rhythm to its natural state and regulating melatonin.

Benefits of using a happy light include:

Brings the Sunshine Indoors (Even When It’s Raining) …
Energizes You Naturally. …
Resets Your Sleep & Wake Cycle to Your Natural State. …
Enhances Mood During Seasonal Changes. …
It’s super important that you get the RIGHT kind of light with the correct rays for getting all the benefits I listed above.
I have used this one HERE for about 5 years now and it WORKS! This is the one I tell my clients to use as well.
I use it for 20 min first thing in the morning to help me to wake up. I just turn it on it’s brightest setting and sit in front of it while I scroll Tik Tok or read and chug some water. You could even use it while you do your makeup, its a great light for that and you’ll get the benefits! It is THAT simple. If I am really struggling I will also use it again around noon.
So easy and yes it makes a difference! I notice when I don’t use it that I don’t feel as good as when I do! I encourage you to give it a try.
Until next Thyroid Thursday…
Helping you go from feeling fat, frustrated and fatigued to fabulous again, 
Work with me to reverse your hypothyroidism and Hashimotos symptoms. Click HERE to learn more!

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