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How To Take Your Power Back

By December 18, 2016Uncategorized

personal development


“I am so tired! I’m broke! I’m overwhelmed!”

Are any of these familiar words that come outta your mouth? I know they use to be for me.

Many years ago, I learned that our words hold great power. The power to create and destroy. The power of life or death lies in the tongue. And that whatever we speak becomes our reality. When you speak words of defeat THAT is what will show up in your days.

I use to talk about being sick, tired and broke. And guess what, I WAS?!? I was right! I kept myself in a negative cycle by speaking those kind of words. When I started really paying attention to the words that I was speaking, I realized how negative they were. It was a shock to me because I have always considered myself a positive person. While I just thought I was venting about my situation, I was really opening the door for more defeat to enter into my life. In fact, statements like that welcome negativity into your life with an open door.

The good news is, NOW YA KNOW! Cause I just told you.

You can start changing the words you say RIGHT NOW! Realizing that words are power-filled gives you the power to speak life over yourself and others. It gives you the power to change your reality.

Let me give you some simple examples:

Instead of saying “I’m tired”, say “I can’t wait until I am refreshed again. It’s coming soon.”

Instead of saying “I’m broke”, say “I am expecting provision to come”.

Instead of saying, “I’m overwhelmed”, say “I am so blessed to have so many things to do. I’ll just take one thing at a time”!

I am not saying to deny your situation or live in a fantasy world, I am just saying to change how you speak about yourself and your life. Be intentional with the words you speak. Something that you can do immediately. As in, right now! When you do that you will, in turn, change how you view your circumstances. When you change your view and commit to speaking only positive things that can bring good into your life, those things tend to show up.

KEEP THIS IN MIND: It’s better to be silent than to give life to the very things you don’t want in your life. Yes, it will take some changing on your part and you will find times that you slip and say something you don’t mean to say, but have no fear. A little trick I use when negativity flies outta my mouth is to immediately say “CANCEL, CANCEL!” and then speak the positive version of the negative statement. I just cancel it out and speak life into what I want. Simple as that. I don’t beat myself up or feel guilty. I just change it.

So go on! Start right now, this minute. Change your words and take your power back! Speak life!




  • Rebecca Peak says:

    Good morning Melodye , yes this blog has blessed me. Thanks for all you share with us. I pray for abundant blessings for you and your family. I pray you have a Merry Christmas and a super duper New Year looking forward to new things. God is so good. Keep it coming

  • Audra says:

    Thank you Melodye, thus is such a good reminder. I have been working on this, I find it too easy to say I am stressed instead of saying look at all these blessings bringing purpose! I like that phrase, I will tackle one thing at a time, what a joy!

  • Tammy says:

    I’ve tried. I’ve prayed over it. It’s exhausting.
    Thank you for your words of encouragement.
    May He continue to bless you and yours,
    In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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