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The Superhero Guide to Supporting Adrenal Glands and Taming Thyroid Troubles

By January 26, 2024Thyroid

Today, we’re diving into a world where superheroes live – inside your body! We’ll be chatting about adrenal glands, thyroid health, and how you can be the superhero that keeps them both in tip-top shape.

Grab a seat, and let’s explore the exciting journey of feeling fantastic!

Adrenal Glands: Your Body’s Superheroes

First things first – meet your adrenal glands! These little warriors, perched on top of your kidneys, are like your body’s energy managers. They also control your stress hormone: cortisol which is extremely important!

They help you handle stress, stay peppy, and conquer your day. But sometimes, they need a little extra love, especially if you’re dealing with hypothyroidism or Hashimotos.

Why Support the Adrenal Superheroes?

Picture this: your adrenal glands are like the superheroes of your energy world. When they’re happy, they help keep your thyroid (the boss in your neck) running smoothly. But if they’re feeling a bit under the weather, it can throw off the whole team, leading to symptoms like fatigue, mood swings, and trouble focusing. That’s where our superhero guide comes in!

Supplements: The Sidekicks for Your Superheroes

Now, let’s talk about sidekicks – the trusty supplements that can give your adrenal superheroes the extra boost they need. Vitamins like B, C, and D are like the Robin to your Batman, supporting your adrenal glands and helping them handle stress like champs. These sidekicks are crucial in the fight against hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s symptoms.

The Power of B Vitamins

B vitamins, our first sidekick, are like the energy-boosting buddies your adrenal glands crave. They help convert food into energy, keeping your superhero team fueled up and ready for action. Think of B vitamins as the secret weapon that fights off fatigue and keeps you feeling awesome!

But there is a common mistake most people with thyroid issues often make and that is taking the wrong kind of B vitamins. Most all of us have something called MTHFR and that means we have issues with our bodies properly using B vitamins so you have to make sure that you take a methylated B vitamin or  you’ll have a ton of issues like fatigue, brain fog, depression and on and on. 

You always want to take folate and avoid supplements and foods fortified with folic acid. This is EXTREMELY important because folic acid will cause you a lot of issues and give you symptoms if your body can’t properly process it which is what happens when you have the MTHFR genetic mutation.

I have my clients take these 2 supplements to make sure their bodies are properly using the B vitamins they are taking:

This B vitamin optomized to methylate HERE along with this one HERE.

Vitamin C: The Immune Defender

Next up is vitamin C – the immune defender. When your body is stressed, your immune system might need a little extra love. Vitamin C swoops in to protect your adrenal superheroes and keep your immune system strong. It’s like giving your body a shield against those pesky symptoms!

I have my clients use this one HERE which has great absorption!

Vitamin D: The Sunshine Savior

Last but not least, we have vitamin D – the sunshine savior. This vitamin is like a mood-boosting ray of sunshine for your adrenal glands. It helps regulate mood and supports your overall well-being, making sure your superhero team stays positive and ready to take on the day.

Before you ever supplement Vitamin D you want to make sure to test first to see if you are deficient or not. Most of us with thyroid issues are but just in case you aren’t, you don’t want to supplement this one if you don’t truly need it as it can cause a lot of issues if you do.

You want your levels as a woman between 80-100 so don’t trust the ranges you are given. As with all things concerning thyroid you can be told your Vitamin D level is normal but it be extremely low.

I have my clients use this one HERE which includes Vitamin K which should ALWAYS be taken with D. It’s also a liquid which helps with absorption.

Why It Matters for Thyroid Troubles

Okay, here’s the superhero connection – when your adrenal superheroes are supported with these fantastic sidekicks, it’s like creating a fortress against hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s symptoms. It’s all about teamwork inside your body!

You’re the Hero of Your Own Story

This is just a small look into what it takes to support your adrenals so that you can manage your cortisol to have less symptoms. Other things such as balancing your minerals, adapting a diet that nourishes your adrenals/body & reduces inflammation and stress management techniques play important roles in this as well but this is a great starting point.

 To wrap it up, friends, remember that you’re the hero of your own story. Consider adding these superhero sidekicks to your routine, support those adrenal warriors, and watch as your body tackles thyroid troubles like a champion. Feeling fantastic is within your reach – you’ve got the power!

So, go out there and be the superhero your body deserves. You’ve got this!

Helping you go from feeling fat, frustrated and fatigued to feeling fabulous again,


P.S. Want more help with this AND want a roadmap with all the RIGHT things to do in the RIGHT order to reverse your hypothyroidism and Hashimtos symptoms so you can finally enjoy your life again instead of just surviving?  

My groupcoaching program doors that has helped over 1000 women to do just that reopens to new clients on Monday Jan. 29, 2024!

If you’re on my email list you’ll get early access to grab a seat before they are all gone because seats are limited and will go quickly since we only open them a few times per year.

I’m talking from monthly meal plans, to proper testing, to strategic supplementation to exercise, to lifestyle changes, this program literally covers IT ALL for you so that you can get actual results, plus you get support from me personally.

Learn more about that program and see some of our MANY testimonials HERE!

If you’re not on that email list click HERE and fill out the form with your best email address and you’ll even get tips while you wait!



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